After the spring vegetation of winter wheat resumes, it is important to create favorable nutritional conditions for the plants, and first of all, to fertilize them with nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate is the most common fertilizer during this period. In recent years, climate change has made it impossible to apply it to frozen melted soil, as this period is very short or does not occur at all.
To ensure that nitrogen is dissolved in the soil, ammonium nitrate is spread over the snow long before the start of vegetation, which significantly reduces the efficiency of its use. Prolonged exposure to the surface causes the ammonium form of nitrogen to partially evaporate into the atmosphere, while the nitrate form is washed away with meltwater below the root zone. Such nitrogen losses are unacceptable, especially given the rapid rise in the price of mineral fertilizers.
Therefore, if possible, it is better to carry out the first fertilization with UAM fertilizer, which has a number of advantages over solid nitrogen fertilizers. For example, nitrogen losses when using UAM do not exceed 10%, while when using granular nitrogen fertilizers, losses can reach 30-40%.
Field experiments have shown that it is possible to increase the efficiency of UAM application when used in combination with Humicor, which significantly increased the yield of winter wheat.
The effect of the UAM + Humicor complex on increasing the yield of winter wheat compared to the classic use of UAM was tested
Humicor is a naturally balanced humic preparation based on vermicompost. It contains phytohormones (indole-3-acetic acid, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid), amino acids (in L-form), natural antibiotics, a set of biogenic microelements and agronomically useful microflora.
UAM at a rate of 100-150 kg/ha can be easily combined with Humicor at a rate of 5-6 liters/ha. This primarily stimulates the absorption of nitrogen by plants. Combined application is carried out with conventional sprayers equipped with deflector nozzles or Cultan-type units.
The simultaneous application of nutrients together with humic acid substances, phytohormones, amino acids and agronomically useful microflora allows plants to consume resources efficiently, and farmers to significantly reduce the cost of preparations.
One of the important features of the Humicor + UAM complex is the formation of ammonium humate in the soil and the transformation of amide nitrogen into the ammonium form with the release of carbon dioxide.
This combination of nitrogen and carbon compounds helps phosphates to become soluble, which further enriches the soil with mobile phosphorus compounds, improves the buffering capacity of soils, increases the mobility of trace elements in the soil solution and provides prolonged nutrition of plants with nitrogen.
During vermicomposting, humus formation processes are similar to natural ones. The main role in vermicomposting is played by red California worms Eisenia fetida, as well as a variety of soil microflora. The most common in the soil are representatives of almost all genera of actinomycetes, which make up up to a quarter of its biota. They play an important role in soil formation, nitrogen fixation, and cellulose breakdown. Actinomycetes are capable of synthesizing amino acids, vitamins, antibiotics, and aromatic compounds. They create a specific soil odor. In addition, Gumikor® contains a large number of nitrogen-fixing and phosphorus-mobilizing microflora, as well as a number of other beneficial soil microorganisms.
Humicor not only enriches the species diversity of soil microflora due to its rich composition, but also acts as a biostimulant, activating the native biota, which increases the number of ammonifying bacteria by 3-5 times and nitrifying bacteria by 3-7 times. The result is the release of a large amount of essential mineral nutrients, as well as the conversion of hard-to-reach mineral compounds of phosphorus and potassium into forms more accessible to plants. This is the direct and indirect effect of Humicor on plants through agronomically useful microflora.
Humic components of Humicor increase the permeability of cell membranes, and some amino acids prevent the risk of burns. Phytohormones, namely cytokinins, stimulate the differentiation of lateral shoot growth cones in unbudded plants. Indole-3-acetic acid (heteroauxin) stimulates root formation.
Other endogenous substances of Humicor in some cases act similarly to phytohormones, for example, oligosaccharides, which have an equally good effect on plants and soil microflora, and their accumulation increases resistance to abiotic stress. This is important, because with the resumption of vegetation there is a risk of damage to crops by spring frosts.
Thus, the application of Humicor together with UAM affects plants in several ways: directly through the leaf surface, through the root system and by increasing the biological activity of the soil.