Selection of customer reviews 2022-2023

с. Demydivka, Haisyn district, Vinnytsia region.

I have been actively using Humiplus products for more than 3 years. I like their complex effect and consistently good results. Visually, there is a noticeable difference compared to the neighboring fields - plants treated with Humiplus biological products look healthy, I observe better tillering and field germination of plants.  

In my opinion, Humicor + Humiam seed matting products and Humistern stubble destructor worked especially well. I also use the liquid preparation Humisol-plus on the leaf on cereals, oilseeds and corn together with plant protection products to relieve pesticide stress and the effects of lack of moisture.

As for yields, the results speak for themselves: I got 65 c/ha of winter wheat, 37 c/ha of sunflower, and 78 c/ha of corn. I also noted that the quality of the crop has improved and the productive biomass of plants has increased.

с. Saksahan village, Kamianskyi district, Dnipropetrovska oblast.

We first learned about Humisol back in 2005 and have been using it in our practice in various ways. It should be noted that Humisol has never let us down. Thanks to such raw materials as vermicompost, these biological products work in a complex way and saturate plants with many useful components.

We use this fertilizer on grain crops, oilseeds, legumes, melons, vegetables, and fruit and berries. I have been applying it for many years, and the yields are always higher than those of my colleagues.

In 2023, we achieved a yield of 65 cwt/ha on wheat and sunflower, and 83 cwt/ha on wheat and peas. The pea yield was 38 c/ha, and the sunflower yield was 34 c/ha. During the heat wave, wheat and peas did not burn, but continued to grow, which resulted in a higher yield and better quality.

In addition, it is always a pleasure to work with Hermes Agrofirm. It is a reliable partner that we recommend to anyone who wants to get high yields and not spend extra money.

с. Smoldyriv village, Zvyagel district, Zhytomyr region.

Our friends recommended us to include Humiplus preparations in their cultivation technologies and we have been successfully using them for almost 10 years in a row.

In 2023, we grew wheat, barley, spelt and corn. We use Humiplus® vermicompost fertilizers for soil application, pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar feeding. We always follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

We see a visual effect, as field germination of crops, disease resistance, and winter crops are better able to withstand the winter period. We are also quite satisfied with the yield. We got 27 c/ha of barley with Humiplus® fertilizers, and 23 c/ha without these biofertilizers.

We have already purchased a batch of Humicor® for the 2024 season and sincerely recommend Hermes Agrofirm for cooperation. This company has extensive experience and is able to find an individual approach to each client.

с. Lyzohubova Sloboda village, Zguriv district, Kyiv region.

Our farm can be considered an advanced user of Humiplus® products, as we have been working with them since 2011. We have fully integrated these vermicomposts into our technology and use them for seed treatment, foliar feeding and stubble destruction.

As for the results of this season, the wheat yield with Humiplus was 68 c/ha, which is 3 c/ha more than in the control plot, and 1.5 c/ha in sunflower. We have noted an improvement in field germination of crops, an increase in wheat class from class 3 to class 2, and an increase in oil content and fat content in sunflower seeds. In general, plants are more resistant to diseases in the areas with Humiplus products.

Therefore, we are quite satisfied with the results, as Humiplus fertilizers have a comprehensive complex effect on plants and easily fit into our cultivation technologies.

с. Sukhyi Yelanets, Mykolaiv district, Mykolaiv region.

For more than 5 years I have been successfully using Humiplus products - Humisol-plus and Humicor - in the cultivation of wheat, barley, sunflower and peas.

During seed treatment and foliar treatment, I add these fertilizers to the tank mixture, combining them with fungicide, boron, and urea. Sometimes I even tried a combination with a herbicide for cereals.

For foliar treatment, I use the product only once per season and follow the manufacturer's recommendations, increasing the single rate to 0.7 l/ha - this helps to achieve optimal results.

The yield with Humiplus® on sunflower is up to 25 c/ha, and on wheat up to 45 c/ha. The plants look healthy, and I have not noticed any signs of stress. I plan to continue our fruitful cooperation in the future.

Opishnia village. Zinkivskyi district, Poltava region.

For more than 20 years of experience in growing potatoes, I have been using Humiplus fertilizers for 15 of them. During this time, I have seen the high quality and effectiveness of these products.

I like the liquid complex fertilizer Humisol-plus with microelements, which has already become an integral part of my working technology. I use this product for growing seedlings and for soil application.

I notice a clear positive effect on potatoes and other vegetables. Plants become more resistant to extreme weather conditions such as heat and frost, and they respond effectively to moisture deficits or excesses and get sick less.

From my own experience, I confidently recommend that everyone who has not yet tried Humiplus fertilizers should try them and make sure they are effective.

с. Nove, Lozova district, Kharkiv region.

During more than a decade of cooperation with Hermes Agrofirm, we have gained extensive experience in implementing Humisol liquid preparations in our agricultural practices. In recent years, we have been using Humisol-plus with microelements and Humisol-prima NPK complex preparations to fertilize cereals, peas and sunflower.

These products help to ensure active growth and development of plants even in dry conditions, contribute to decent yield results, and significantly improve its quality characteristics.

For wheat, we have a yield of 60 cwt/ha and more, and for spring barley, 45 cwt/ha and more.

We confidently recommend other farmers to pay attention to the use of complex preparations of Humiplus® to improve agricultural solutions.

с. Druzhba village, Krasnohrad district, Kharkiv region.

Our farm specializes in growing organic products, so it is extremely important for us to use the most environmentally friendly and effective products in our agricultural technology that are certified organic according to all international standards. Humiplus products fully meet these criteria.

We have chosen a liquid preparation of the Humisol-plus series for fruit and berry crops. This is a very interesting product, because it is made on the basis of vermicompost, which makes it as natural as possible in origin, and most importantly, effective.

We use Humisol-plus complex fertilizer for root and foliar feeding of fruit and berry crops. It improves the quality of the crop, and the plants feel better under stressful conditions, especially in high temperatures.

We have been successfully working with Humisol for over 5 years and are happy to recommend it to other farmers, especially those who value organic status and high quality products.

Rosolivtsi village, Khmelnytskyi district, Khmelnytskyi region.

Thanks to Humiplus, I got the same yield results as my neighbors who used mineral fertilizers. Without Humiplus, the yield was 28 c/ha, and with Humiplus - 34 c/ha.

Our farm specializes in growing soybeans. Since 2019, we have been implementing the biological products Humicor® and Humisol®-plus for pulses in our technology. We combine them in a tank mixture with an inoculant for seed treatment and together with herbicides and fungicides for spraying during the growing season.

The preparations show their protective properties, the plants can withstand unfavorable conditions, recover from stress faster, and plant productivity increases. I am very pleased with the result of the application, and we plan to continue our cooperation in the future.

Velychkivka village, Koryukivka district, Chernihiv region

In my practice, I use a line of liquid fertilizers based on vermicompost Humisol-plus with microelements. I have been working with them for a long time, since 2012. I do a double foliar treatment together with herbicides.

He got positive results on potatoes and cereals. Humisol-plus has proven to be excellent in conditions of moisture deficit, gives good results in terms of yield and improves the quality of agricultural products. Despite the fact that we apply minimal amounts of mineral fertilizers due to their high price, this year's barley and oat yields were 35-40 c/ha.

If you are looking for effective and affordable solutions to increase the profitability of your business, try Humiplus® products, it is a good choice.

Selection of customer reviews 2022-2023