Selection of customer reviews Cherkasy region. 2022-2023

м. Chyhyryn, Chyhyryn district, Cherkasy region.

During my 21 years of work in agriculture, I have tested many products on my fields. I have been familiar with Humiplus biofertilizers since 2020. This season, I used Humisol-plus Legumes liquid fertilizer for soybean treatment, applying it twice per leaf at a rate of 0.5 l/ha. The first treatment was aimed at mitigating biotic stress, and the second - after the insecticide application.

Compared to the control plot during the growing season, I noticed better tillering of the plants and no pesticide stress on the plot with Humisol®. The yield result also met my expectations, as the yield increased by 200 kg compared to the control. My soybeans were of a very simple variety and yielded 18 c/ha on the control versus 20 c/ha with Humisol®. I also noted an improvement in quality indicators and an increase in the weight of 1000 seeds.

I am satisfied with the results obtained with the use of Humiplus products.
I recommend them to other farmers with a clear conscience, because they are really effective.

с. Bilozirya village, Cherkasy district, Cherkasy region.

I successfully use Humiplus fertilizers in the cultivation of such crops as wheat, barley, corn and potatoes. For seed treatment, I use Humicor suspension root stimulant, and for foliar treatment, I use Humisol-plus liquid preparation.

These products not only demonstrate high efficiency, but are also very convenient to use. I combine them in tank mixtures with herbicides, insecticides and urea, which provides a comprehensive approach to plant protection and nutrition.

I am pleased with the results: wheat yields reached 60-80 cwt/ha, and corn yields reached 80-100 cwt/ha. In addition, the productive biomass increased and a clear anti-stress effect was noticed - the plants became more resistant and hardy in difficult conditions of drought and high temperatures.

Based on my own positive experience, I am happy to recommend Humiplus fertilizers to other farmers who want high yields.

м. Smila, Cherkasy district, Cherkasy region.

Since 2020, our farm has been actively using Humiplus products in sunflower and corn cultivation. We carry out foliar treatments with the liquid preparation Humisol-plus at a rate of 0.6 l/ha, and apply the suspension fertilizer Humicor to the soil at a rate of 1-2 l/ha.

These treatments promote plant health and increase their resistance to disease and weather stress. In addition, the productive weight of plants and the weight of 1000 seeds increases. In sunflower, we recorded a yield of 36 c/ha compared to 34 c/ha in the control plot, and in corn - 117 c/ha compared to 113 c/ha.

We are convinced that the use of Humiplus® products yields concrete positive results, so we plan to continue our cooperation in the future.

Selection of customer reviews Cherkasy region. 2022-2023