
Ammonium humate

Liquid concentrate of ammonium humate, which is produced from a naturally occurring oxidized form of lignite (leonardite) and is a plant stimulant-adaptogen with growth-regulating properties.

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Humic acid fertilizer for risky farming conditions

Humiam™ is a high-tech product based on lignite ammonium humate, which is designed to treat crops in difficult climatic conditions and in areas of risky farming. That is, Humiam™ ammonium humate can be used on all types of soils, but is most effective on poor soils.

The application rates of HumiAm™ are significantly lower than those of potassium and sodium humates, which allows to reduce costs while maintaining the efficiency of application.

In addition, Humiam has the following advantages:

  • liquid consistency and excellent water solubility;
  • high concentration of nutrients;
  • increased biological activity;
  • compatibility with most fertilizers and plant protection products;
  • environmental friendliness and safety for people, animals, birds and insects.

In addition to increasing yields and product quality, the use of Humicum™ increases immunity to diseases and resistance to various stresses. That is why this product is a powerful complement to Gumikor® vermicompost fertilizer when treating seeds, root systems of seedlings, saplings, soaking cuttings, cuttings, stolons, bulbs, acting as a plant adaptogen.

In addition, humates help accelerate the process of natural humus accumulation, neutralize radionuclides, heavy metals, and toxic compounds, preventing them from passing into plants. Ammonium humates are also effective in detoxifying soils contaminated with oil products.

Humic acid fertilizer Humiam can also be used for irrigation and root fertilization (including in drip irrigation systems, hydroponics, etc.), foliar treatment (vegetation) of various crops in critical phases of their development.