

Highly concentrated humic suspension produced on the basis of vermicompost. The product combines the properties of a fertilizer, root stimulant and plant growth stimulant

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Humicor is a biological product for stimulating plant growth and activating soil microflora

Increasing crop yields and improving their quality is a challenge faced by many farmers. To achieve this goal, various factors need to be taken into account, one of which is a powerful start to plant growth and development. Humicor is a plant growth biostimulant that helps to solve this problem.

Humicor, like most Humiplus products, is not a simple potassium humate based on peat, leonardite or sapropel, but a balanced biological product based on vermicompost with a complex composition.  

Advantages of Humicor from Humiplus:

  • contains the "live" agronomically useful microflora of the red California worm Eisenia fetida;
  • has a composition rich in biologically active substances;
  • has been active in the soil for several years.

The naturalness of Humiplus biological products is determined by the fact that the humic substances for their production were obtained in a special way from natural raw materials by vermicomposting. Thanks to California worms that process organic material, vermicompost (biohumus) does not contain harmful microflora, but retains beneficial microorganisms, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and phytohormones.

Due to the presence of phytohormones and enzymes, Humicor works as a plant growth stimulator and accelerates seed germination and root growth. The high concentration of agronomically useful microflora, such as nitrogen-fixing and phosphorus-mobilizing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, helps young plants to absorb basic nutrients through symbiotic relationships with the roots.

In addition, Humicor has fungicidal properties, as the microorganisms contained in the preparation show antagonism to phytopathogens.

Productive seed treatment

First of all, the root stimulant Humicor was created for pre-sowing seed treatment. This vermicompost-based fertilizer has many beneficial properties:

  • increase germination and germination energy of seeds;
  • strengthening the defense response to pathogens;
  • accelerating the emergence of sprouts and their uniformity;
  • formation of a strong primary root system;
  • promoting the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and the conversion of inaccessible phosphorus into a form available to plants;
  • improving wintering of winter crops due to sugar accumulation.

To maximize the effectiveness of seed treatment, Humicor can be used in combination with the lignite-based stimulant-adaptogen Humiam™ (ammonium humate) to enhance the effect of Humicor. This combination will provide additional plant nutrition and create optimal conditions for intensive growth in the early stages of development. It is especially advisable to do this for the treatment of cereal seeds.

Humicor in the soil - it is profitable and environmentally friendly

Scientific research and the experience of Humiplus vermicompost users have shown the high efficiency of Humicor when applied to the soil, which, when applied in a systematic manner, activates the soil microflora, creating conditions for

  • restoring soil fertility and improving its structure;
  • accumulation of nutrients in the soil;
  • Increased air and moisture permeability;
  • containment of the development of phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi.

In addition to environmental benefits, the use of Humicor also has a positive economic effect. The introduction of Humicor into the classical technologies of farmers in the Dnipropetrovs'k and Donetsk regions has shown that this agricultural measure makes it possible to get a TON of extra yield from each hectare.

Humicor + UAM - the optimal solution for fertilizing winter wheat after the restoration of vegetation

Composite mixture of UAM with humic substances in the Humicor fertilizer - is a highly effective, environmentally friendly organo-mineral nitrogen fertilizer. The combination of Humicor + UAM combination promotes the formation of ammonium humate and the transformation of ammonium nitrogen to the ammonium form with the release of carbon dioxide. This allows phosphates to become soluble, enriching the soil with mobile phosphorus forms and improving its buffering capacity. In addition, this fertilizer increases the mobility of trace elements in the soil solution.

The first fertilization with the organo-mineral complex Humicor and UAM is recommended after the spring vegetation of winter wheat is restored. This application allows to reduce the planned nitrogen rate by 30% and increase the efficiency of its assimilation by plants. Recommended ratio: UAM - 100-150 kg/ha; Humicor - 5-6 l/ha. 

Due to its unique formula and properties, Humicor is an indispensable assistant for a modern farmer who wants to get a healthy and high-quality crop.