Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer.
for root and foliar feeding in critical phases of plant growth and development
All nutrients are in biologically active form.
pH 8-10.5
Root nutrition (watering, fertigation), foliar feeding (spraying).
Cereals, legumes, oilseeds, corn, vegetables, root crops, melons, fruit and berries, spinning, perennial and ornamental grasses, forestry, etc.
The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, ensures proper nutrition and development of plants.
Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying.
TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Safe for humans and the environment. In case of contact with eyes or skin, rinse with water.
18 months at temperatures from 3 to 25 °C. Avoid freezing and contact with petroleum products.
Canister 10 l
2.5 - 3 l/ha (1:400, fertigation 1:200) depending on the needs of the crops.
*If fertilizing during the growing season is planned only once, we recommend combining 2 foliar treatments into one, increasing the application rate by 1.5-2 times.
It is compatible with most plant protection products and fertilizers and is recommended for use in tank mixtures. Before use in tank mixtures, a test mixing should be carried out. A tank mixture without clots and visible sediment is considered suitable for use.
Add fertilizer Humisol-plus to tank mixtures with fungicides, herbicides and other plant protection products. Liquid complex humic fertilizer based on vermicompost Humisol-plus relieves chemical stress, enhances the effect of pesticides and allows to reduce their rate to the minimum recommended.
If there is a clear nitrogen starvation of plants, it can be added to the tank mixture for foliar feeding together with liquid fertilizers Humisol-plus 5 kg of urea by weight.
Pre-sowing treatment: from 1 ml/10 ml of water/1 kg of seeds for semi-dry treatment; 4 ml/1 l of water (1:250) soaking for 8-12 hours at room temperature until seeds swell completely, and bulbs and chubuki - for 8 hours.
Root fertilization: 50 ml/10 liters of water per 1.5 hectares for vegetables; 25 ml/10 liters of water per 1 hectare for fruit trees and berries.
Foliar feeding: 60 ml/10 liters of water per 4 hectares for nightshades and cucumber; 20 ml/10 liters of water per 4 hectares for other vegetable crops; 20 ml/10 liters of water per 1 hectare for fruit trees and grapes; 60 ml/10 liters of water per 4 hectares for berry crops.
Many people think that plants receive nutrients exclusively through their roots. However, scientific research shows that the leaves of plants can provide them with nutrition even if the roots are not working at full capacity.
Low amounts of nutrients in the soil, low root activity, an underdeveloped root system, and dry topsoil are just a few of the factors that contribute to the mismatch in plant nutrient requirements.
Foliar fertilization has several advantages, including a quick and targeted effect on specific plant organs and a reduction in the negative impact of dry weather on plants. In addition, the level of nutrient uptake by plants under foliar application is several times higher than when applied to the soil. For example, for phosphorus - five times higher.
The effectiveness of foliar feeding depends on:
The outer surface of leaves is covered by the epidermis, a protective layer consisting of cuticular membranes, which serve as the primary pathways for nutrient penetration. The entire leaf surface acts as a vast cuticular membrane. Within the epidermis are stomata, tiny pores facilitating gas exchange and transpiration, with sizes typically measuring only a few microns.
Potassium cations, ammonium cations, and quaternary nitrogen of amines and amides have been observed to influence the opening of cells and stomata. Incorporating these substances into the foliar feeding mixture aids in the penetration of nutrients through the cuticle. All of these essential components are readily available in liquid vermicompost fertilizers Humisol-plus.
The application of the organic fertilizer Humisol-plus through ffoliar spraying offers numerous benefits beyond plant nutrition. For instance, when combined with plant protection products and other fertilizers like UAM or urea in tank mixtures, it reduces the expenses associated with separate applications.
Use of biological products Humisol-plus helps plants to overcome stress caused by herbicides and pesticides faster and to withstand adverse factors in the future (frost, heat, drought, etc.).
Adding a biological product based on vermicompost, Humisol-plus on top of the planned treatments is an additional opportunity to nourish the plants and enhance the efficiency of fertilizer absorption applied earlier. Humic substances contained in the plant growth stimulator Humisol-plus improve the absorption and accumulation of nitrogen necessary for protein synthesis and also contribute to flower pollination.
To cater to the needs of producers across various crops, there are 11 types of Humisol-plus fertilizers enriched with nutrients featuring high bioavailability tailored specifically to the requirements of individual crops.
If you want your plants to be strong, healthy, and productive, it's essential to recognize the importance of foliar feeding. Humisol-plus fertilizers not only supply plants with essential nutrients but are also environmentally friendly, with no harmful effects on plants or people.
Choose high-quality liquid fertilizers based on vermicompost for foliar applications and see for yourself how effective they are.