
Humigran 1

Natural organic fertilizer (granular vermicompost) with a prolonged effect for fertilizing and growing all types of crops.

Humigran 1
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Fertilizer for improving soil fertility

To provide plants with all the resources they need for healthy growth and development, and to improve their nutritional value and appearance, you need fertile soil in the first place. After all, it contains the necessary minerals, vitamins and trace elements that support plant life processes and provide them with energy for growth. In addition, the use of fertile soil helps to preserve the environment and reduce the impact of harmful chemicals on it.

If the soil on your site does not have sufficient fertility, you can add Humigran granular vermicompost (vermicompost) to improve its structure and fertility. Humigran contains more mobile forms of nutrients than manure or compost. The availability and good digestibility of these elements allows you to feed plants with everything they need.

Humigran organic fertilizers help restore, maintain and improve soil fertility in the most natural way possible - through the accumulation of organic matter and humus in its deeper layers. This activates the development of soil microbiota, improves moisture accumulation and soil moisture retention.

Vermicompost granules are perfect for home cultivation. It can be used as a pre-sowing fertilizer for local application to planting pits or holes, for growing seedlings, you can add one tablespoon of Humigran under the root, and to prepare the substrate, it is enough to simply mix it with the soil.

Granular vermicompost fertilizer can also be used in open ground - usually it is applied as a spreading fertilizer, under the main cultivation in the fall.
Humigran is particularly valuable due to the presence of humic substances, natural amino acids, enzymes and vitamins. The complex of these natural components strengthens plant health by suppressing pathogens and binding heavy metals and radionuclides, turning them into an inaccessible and insoluble form. In addition, Humigran organic fertilizer has a prolonged effect and has a positive impact on the soil for several years.