

Liquid organic plant growth regulator based on vermicompost with a complex composition, micro- and biofertilizer properties.

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6 fruitful months with Humisol

March is the optimal time for spring planting and transplanting fruit and berry crops. An important step after planting is watering the plants with a 1.3% solution of Humisol vermicompost-based fertilizer.

Before sowing carrots, parsley, dill, parsnips, onions, and table beets, we recommend soaking the seeds in Humisol solution. This will help to wash out the essential oils contained in the seeds and inhibit their germination. Water the seedlings 1-2 times a day, avoiding stagnation of water.

In April , foliar treatments of fruit trees with Humisol are carried out: fertilization before flowering of apricot, plum, and cherry plum. Planting and transplanting of fruit seedlings, saplings, shrubs, and flans with Humisol continues. This treatment stimulates the engraftment and growth of the root mass.

According to the weather conditions, at the beginning of the month, after soaking the seeds in Humisol, cold-resistant crops are sown: lettuce, radishes, onions, carrots, etc. It is also advisable to plant early cabbage seedlings under temporary shelters.

In the southern and central regions, taking into account the weather conditions, you can start planting early potatoes. In order to stimulate growth, it is recommended to use the plant growth regulator Humisol by spraying tubers before planting.

May is a difficult month for a gardener: the air is warming up, but the soil is still cold, winter moisture reserves are depleted, all living things are bursting into growth, unfortunately, including weeds and pests, and frosts are still very likely.

Frost can be counteracted by smoke, abundant watering and spraying of plants. Remember that the ice crust on leaves, flowers and ovaries protects plants from frost. In the fight against pests and diseases, attention should be paid to prevention: use biological products, take into account allopathy (mutual influence of plants), and follow the basic rules of crop rotation.

Humisol liquid fertilizer is perfectly combined with plant protection products in the tank mixture, enhances their effect and allows you to use the minimum rate of plant protection products specified by the manufacturer. In addition, the use of Humisol fertilizer for root and foliar feeding increases yields, improves the quality and taste of products, strengthens disease resistance, mitigates plant stress after pesticide application and ensures their proper nutrition.

Fruit trees and shrubs do not need to be watered frequently, but abundantly and until the layer is completely wet. It is important to carry out foliar feeding of apple and pear trees with Humisol before flowering on the "pink bud".

Vegetables require regular watering and 3-6 fertilizations per season. However, do not forget that a vegetable is different from a vegetable. For example, pepper does not tolerate even the slightest drying out of the root system, but it does not like waterlogging either. But for a tomato, a slight lack of water is even beneficial - it helps it to bear fruit faster.

In June , all measures must be taken to enhance growth processes. In 1-1.5 months after flowering, the June ovary drop occurs in fruit trees. After it is over, fruit trees need fertilization, especially foliar fertilization, for the fastest absorption of nutrients. The best option is to use the organic fertilizer Humisol, because this biological product has a balanced composition of nutrients that is environmentally friendly.

Also, don't forget to foliar feed potatoes with Humisol during the budding phase. And after harvesting early crops (radish, lettuce, dill, etc.), you can sow black radish seeds, green manure crops (lupine, mustard), and finish planting late white cabbage seedlings.

In July, the laying of generative buds for the next year's harvest begins. Trees need to be fertilized. It is important to remember that nitrogen fertilizers are not used at this time. Root feeding with a 1.3% solution of Humisol is very effective. This vermicompost fertilizer is also used in July for fruiting currant, raspberry, and gooseberry bushes.

In July, you can repeat summer sowing of fast-growing (30-60 days) crops such as parsley, spinach, dill, radishes, etc. on the vacant beds. With proper care and sufficient watering, they will yield a good harvest. Experienced gardeners know that crops that are prone to flowering in spring sowings avoid it in July. The products are juicier, tastier, contain more vitamins, and are better stored.

In August , generative buds are set, shoots lignify, and plants begin to prepare for winter. Until the end of the month, you can continue to bud pome fruit (apple and pear trees). After harvesting summer varieties of fruit trees and shrubs, they should be watered and fertilized abundantly. Also during this period, it will be advisable to water and fertilize grapes and strawberries.

In the last month of summer, the harvest of garden crops (pepper, eggplant, tomato) is formed, so fertilizing and watering with Humisol during August should also be continued.