

Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer

Humisol-plus Legumes
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Organic fertilizer Humisol-plus Legumes for increasing yields under stressful conditions

Liquid fertilizer Humisol-plus Legumes is the perfect choice for those looking for an effective way to protect legumes and pulses from stress caused by frost, drought, waterlogging and chemicals. This vermicompost-based biopreparation quickly restores plants and reduces yield losses under stressful conditions.

The key factor in plant resuscitation is to stabilize the temperature regime. During this period, it is necessary to activate the metabolism and restore the vegetation of plants. Thanks to the treatment with Humisol-plus Legumes at the initial stage, plants release substances that stimulate nodule bacteria to connect with the root system.

Humisol-plus Legumes works as a micronutrient fertilizer, the preparation is additionally stimulated by a balanced set of trace elements such as boron, molybdenum, iron and cobalt. These elements have an important impact on the intensity of nitrogen uptake from the air, nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism, improved root growth and directly affect the maturation, number of fruits and flowers in legumes and pulses.

Amino acid-based plant antistressants for legumes

Pulses and legumes are also affected by diseases and pests. It is important to apply herbicide treatments in the early stages of the growing season. For example, soybeans should be treated before the rows close, as they grow more slowly than weeds, which compete with the plant for moisture, light and nutrients. This results in a low competitiveness of soybeans compared to weeds, and yield losses due to weeds can be 30% to 50%.

When treating legumes and pulses with PPPs, we recommend their joint use in a tank mixture together with Humisol-plus Legumes to reduce the stressful effects of pesticides and enhance plant immunity. The agronomically useful microflora of Humisol helps to increase soil microbiological activity, which contributes to better absorption of previously inaccessible nutrients accumulated in the soil.

Very important components of the natural composition of the organic fertilizer Humisol-plus Legumes are humic substances, phytohormones, amino acids and vitamins, thanks to which this vermicompost-based biological product quickly restores plants after stressful situations, which helps minimize crop losses.

Humic substances contained in Humisol-plus Legumes, have protective and immunomodulatory functions and create an active filter that reduces the impact of aggressive substances, allowing plants to better tolerate stressful conditions.

Phytohormones act as stabilizers for the main physiological processes in legumes and pulses. They have properties that promote the healing of damaged tissues, stimulate cell division and prevent the aging process.

Plant growth stimulant Humisol-plus Legumes is rich in amino acids such as asparagine, threonine, glutamine, glycine, lysine and others. In addition to the transport function for the transfer of nutrients through the leaf nutrition, these amino acids contribute to the rapid growth and development of plants.

The presence of vitamins B1, B2, B12, PP, A, E in the enzymes of Humisol-plus Legumes affects the process of respiration and photosynthesis and helps plants recover quickly from stress.

In addition to improving yields, the use of the complex vermicompost fertilizer Humisol-plus on legumes and pulses, we have noted an improvement in quality indicators - an increase in oil and protein content, an increase in the weight of 1000 seeds, an increase in plant height, the number of tickets and the number of nodules on plants.

Don't miss the opportunity to protect and increase the yield of legumes and pulses by providing them with comprehensive care with the organic vermicompost Humisol-plus Legumes.