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What you need to know about biological products based on vermicompost

The result of using Humiplus organic fertilizers

Humiplus biostimulants open up new opportunities for farmers, as their use helps to improve soil nutrition and increase yields. The use of these organic products helps to save money on mineral fertilizers and mitigate the risks associated with the use of chemical fertilizers.

Humic acid fertilizers by Humiplus increase the anti-stress properties of plants and improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, preserving and improving its fertility. In addition, these vermicompost fertilizers are completely environmentally friendly. They interact with heavy metals and radionuclides, reducing their harmful effects on the environment, and help restore anthropogenically disturbed areas.

How to apply fertilizer from vermicompost as efficiently as possible

To achieve the maximum effect of using Humiplus biological products, it is recommended to adhere to the optimal operating temperatures of 5 to 25 °C. In addition, treatments should be carried out in calm, cloudy weather with a wind speed of no more than 3-5 m/s and air humidity of less than 50%. It is recommended to carry out the treatment in the evening or at night, before dew falls. It is also important to keep in mind that the water temperature should be at least 13 °C for the working solution.

Compatibility of Humiplus biostimulants with pesticides

When it comes to compatibility with other products, Humiplus biostimulants and growth promoters can be combined with most pesticides authorized in Ukraine. However, before using it in tank mixtures, a compatibility test should be performed. It is important to keep in mind that the tank mixture must be free of clots and visible sediment to be used.

Application of Humiplus biostimulants with herbicides

Weeds are one of the biggest problems for crops. However, Humiplus products containing humates - external bioactive substances - can inhibit the production of these endogens. The combined use of Humiplus biological products with plant protection products enhances the effect of herbicides on weeds and helps crops to tolerate abiotic stress more easily.

Combining Humiplus organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers

Many years of research and development have resulted in the creation of the leading Humiplus technology for reducing the application rate of mineral fertilizers by up to 30% when combined with biological products based on vermicompost Humiplus. This works thanks to the available forms of NPK in Humiplus humic acid fertilizers and the ability of humic substances to promote the absorption of previously unavailable nutrients by plants.

How often to carry out treatments with Humiplus complex preparations

Treatments should be carried out at critical stages of plant development, when they are in particular need of stress protection or additional nutrition. Choosing the right time of treatment is an important condition for increasing yields and protecting plant material from diseases and pests.