
for flowers

Highly concentrated paste fertilizer based on vermicompost with bactericidal and fungicidal properties.

Humipas for flowers
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Fertilizing flowers: rules and tips

General tips for fertilizing flowers

Fertilizing with fertilizers is also important for ornamental plants. In particular, because they have a small feeding area, which means that the soil is quickly depleted and cannot regenerate on its own. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following rules before buying flower fertilizer.

In winter, the vast majority of ornamental plants are dormant, so a single fertilization of indoor plants once a month or even a month and a half will be sufficient. From mid-spring to mid-autumn, fertilizing flowers should be remembered more often and carried out every week. However, it should be noted that the frequency of fertilization can be affected by the type of flower culture.

Some rules for fertilizing ornamental crops:

  1. It is important to moisten the soil in advance before root and foliar fertilization;
  2. treatment is not recommended in hot weather and exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided;
  3. dilute the fertilizer for indoor plants in soft water at room temperature;
  4. if the plant is affected by diseases or pests, it should be fertilized only on the leaf.

Please note that plants with a glossy sheen or pubescent leaves (succulent, palm, Gesneriaceae, etc.) do not respond well to foliar treatments.

Organic fertilizers are considered safe and effective for indoor plants, because organic matter has the ability to retain moisture in the soil and promote the colonization of beneficial microflora.

Humipas for Flowers is a paste-like complex fertilizer that strengthens the root system, which helps plants absorb nutrients better. Humipas also improves the decorative side of plants, stimulates their growth and development, strengthens their resistance to diseases, and improves soil structure.

For all types of flowers and ornamental plants, it is effective to fertilize with Humipas in the ratio of 0.4 liters per 30 liters of water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Apply this solution under the plant root at the rate of 10 l/m2.

Humipas paste fertilizer is suitable for indoor plants in your home and for flowers grown outdoors.