
for grapes

Liquid organic plant growth regulator based on vermicompost with a complex composition, micro- and biofertilizer properties.

Humisol for grapes
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Fertilizing grapes

For foliar feeding of grapes, liquid fertilizers based on vermicompost Humisol for grapes are used. Humisol biofertilizer contains humic substances, amino acids, phytohormones, vitamins and agronomically useful worm microflora, which is fully retained in vermicompost.

Spraying of vegetative grape bushes with Humisol promotes better development of the vegetative mass, stimulates the activity of physiological processes in the tissues of leaves and shoots, resulting in increased growth:

  • grape yield up to 30% by reducing ovary shedding in bunches, improving their development;
  • sugar content of the berry juice is up to 1.5-2%, and in years with high sugar accumulation up to 4%, the organoleptic evaluation of wine materials from this harvest improves;
  • yield of standard cuttings of rootstock and grafting varieties by increasing the diameter and length of shoot growth;
  • quality of the vine by increasing the amount of reserve substances in it, improving the maturation of shoots and the anatomical structure of their tissues.

Early ripening varieties should be sprayed with Humisol twice: 10-12 days before flowering and immediately after flowering. Varieties with medium and late ripening are best sprayed three times: before and after flowering and before the start of berry ripening.

To obtain a higher yield of quality vines on the mother plants of grafting and rootstock vines, it is effective to apply Humisol organic fertilizer three times (from 1:20 to 1:10) in the following periods: before and after flowering and at the beginning of shoot maturation.

The plant growth regulator Humisol for grapes is also effective in vineyards that bear fruit. Foliar feeding on such plants should be done in the concentration of Humisol solution: 1:20, 1:10.

Immersion of grafts in a solution of Humisol (1:10) before waxing them for stratification promotes better development of callus masses at the site of adhesion and the formation of root tubercles on the basal part of the grafts. The grafts develop better in the school. The yield of seedlings increases from 7 to 14%.

To improve the regeneration processes of rootstock and scion tissues, it is necessary to immerse the graft with the apical part in a 10% solution of the drug before paraffinizing and before placing it on the stratification.

Impact of Humisol on the development of diseases and pests of grapes

Humisol biofertilizer at a concentration of 0.3% inhibits the germination of spores of black spot and infectious drying of grapes, as well as the growth of mycelium of the eutypiosis pathogen on beer-agarized wort. Its use on grapes also suppresses the development of mildew, oidium, gray rot and reduces the number of mites on the leaves of grape bushes.